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Showing posts from March, 2007


Your confidence lures success, ‘Cause you’re content you’re the best, But lies, tales and untold truth, Are now hatred letters that buried your youth; The sun then shines in your direction, And flaws are abundant of once thought perfection, Others laugh, point and poke, ‘Cause you’re nothing more than a silly joke; The time has come to play it straight, Try to release all that hate, Settle down and mingle with humans, And stop running around with your demons; You’ll soon become one of them, And change to endure hatred, You’re slowly becoming a faded thought, A forgotten letter now outdated…

A Liar's Life...

Poems are lies, And lies are hidden truth, A bundle of poems, A liar since youth; Days pass, And never content, With one’s lie, A life all bent; Forgive but never forget, ‘Cause you’ll lose, You’re heart’s content, For drugs, smokes and booze; Leave and try to change, Make peace with age, You’ll soon die and be gone, A wasted memory, just another forgotten son ...

Time Will Tell...

Forgive those who’ve done wrong, ‘Cause they don’t know where they belong, Give them a chance to change, Set them free from their cornered cage; They might all be wrong, And not even change, But for personal satisfaction, Give them time to age; Age brings wisdom, At least that’s what we want, Let them wander a little, So when their dead they won’t haunt; ‘Cause time would prove, To them they’ve fail, We tried to set them free, But now they’re in hell, in hell without bail…

We Say Goodbye...

Sleep tonight with a clear mind, And don't be bothered or unkind, For we have done the right of things, And beneath it all we can hear him sing; Let us grief, cry and shed a tear, It will not be the last for the year, Let him go and enter the door, Cause he's being loved even more and more; Every passing day, We're thinking of him, Morning, noon and night, And now we say 'good bye' tonight ; The final day has come, To set you free once more, Another life another time, Another love for sure ; We shall never forget the day, He was once sent to us to stay, But today he has his last ride, and today, this day, We say goodbye...